Hi, I’m Jan.
Vanilla: So good for ice cream.
Content? Not so much.
If you’re tired of ho-hum, clichéd content, welcome to anything but.
Vanilla: So good for ice cream.
Content? Not so much.
If you’re tired of ho-hum, clichéd content, welcome to anything but.
I’m a content writer, gobbledygook transformer, and most of all, your go-to freelancer, here to elevate your story to its rightful place—far above the lackluster world known as “vanilla.”
So, what does that mean to you?
Not much … unless you’re a business, brand, or organization looking for a freelance writer who can help you figure out what to say and how to say it.
Honestly? There’s nothing wrong with vanilla ice cream or marshmallow cream for dessert. But vanilla copy? Marketing fluff? Nah.
Anyone can put words on a page. But creating a cohesive and meaningful story? Right up my alley. Let’s tell your story in your audience’s love language.
A big idea is just pie-in-the-sky without a great story to back it up. Give your audience something that resonates and inspires.
Forgo the usual yada, yada, yada. I take what’s in your brain (or in your SME’s head) and put it into something tangible and understandable.
Inspire and engage with information, inspiration, and just the right amount of zing.
I’m a freelance content writer who creates creative and impactful narratives, articles, features, blog posts, lead-gen emails, and other content.
I’m a consummate storyteller, award-winning content writer, and persnickety editor.
In addition to solid writing, editing, and project management skills, I’m known for being able to quickly “get” what needs “gotten.”
I’m a lousy singer, a fantastic cook, and a fearless inquisitor. I’ve been known to ask, “What’s your cautionary tale?” and perhaps even tell you mine.
I believe writer’s block is a myth, deadlines are not to be missed, and the only acceptable fluff is the marshmallow kind.
Maybe. Maybe not.
If you have a writer (or writers) on staff, or if you regularly employ a freelancer, you may not need me.
There may come a time, however, when you’re smack-dab in the middle of a crazy-busy work cycle or your favorite staffer or freelancer takes an unexpected leave.
I once jumped in on a project for an agency client of mine whose on-staff writer had more projects than bandwidth. My client’s client loved the copy so much they didn’t change a single word. That doesn’t happen every time, of course, but it does show that I’m a quick study with a short learning curve.
If you’re passionate about what you offer the world and open to co-creating something great, we’ll probably get along famously. But, if there’s a reason I’m not the right fit for you, I’ll be honest and just say so.
Either way, I’m happy to talk it through.
I’m located in central Ohio but you don’t have to be. My clients are in Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, New York City, Pittsburgh, Portland, Sarasota, Washington, D.C. — and wherever you are.
Looking for a freelance content writer to tell your story? Good news. You just found one.